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January 04, 2021

Adam Schiff Sworn In For New Term in the 117th Congress

Schiff Details Priorities for Next Congress and The Need to Heal

Washington, DC – On Sunday, January 3, 2021, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) was sworn in to the 117th Congress by Speaker Nancy Pelosi for his eleventh term, serving California’s 28th Congressional District. This year, due to COVID restrictions, Members were sworn in as small groups on the House Floor.

Schiff will continue representing the 28th District in Congress, including all or parts of Atwater Village, Burbank, East Hollywood, Echo Park, Elysian Valley, Glendale, Griffith Park, Hollywood, Hollywood Hills, La Cañada-Flintridge, La Crescenta, Los Feliz, Montrose, Pasadena, Shadow Hills, Silver Lake, Sunland, Tujunga and West Hollywood.

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After being sworn in, Schiff released the following statement:

“The past four years have been unlike any other in my career or my lifetime, and I think many of my fellow Americans feel the same way. President-elect Joe Biden will soon be sworn in, which gives us a chance to turn the page on this painful chapter in our nation’s history and try to restore calm, decency and normalcy to our politics and our country. We have to.

“Our country is facing four immediate crises, all of which must be addressed urgently: A crisis in health, in the economy, with our climate, and with inequality and injustice. All of these challenges require urgent action and big, systemic change. None of this will be easy, but we must persevere.

“In Congress, job number one, two and three will be defeating this virus and ensuring that all Americans get the help they need. We will need to invest in state and local health systems to dramatically accelerate the vaccination of the public, and combat misinformation, so we can bring about an end to this pandemic. We also need to take urgent action to help workers, small businesses, and families get through these crises, and any action Congress took previously is only a down payment to meet the immense need and suffering.

“Long after we defeat the virus, our planet will still be in crisis, with climate change fueling deadly fires here in California and devastating natural disasters across the world. We need an Apollo Project-like approach to climate change, with massive investments in green energy and green jobs, major changes to limit pollution and promote clean air and water, and a whole-of-government effort to tackle climate justice. This will mean major changes — reimagining our transportation systems, upgrading our infrastructure and buildings, and investing in our people.

“Throughout this pandemic, the vulnerabilities and inequities endemic to our health system have only become more severe. We need universal healthcare, and we need it now. We must ensure that all Americans, no matter their color, income level, or their employer, have reliable access to quality, affordable healthcare. And as we fight to make that a reality, we must begin to make progress by treating healthcare as a civil right, expanding Medicare to more Americans.

“We must also address wage inequality and make sure every American, every child and family, has a roof over their head and food on their table. We must ensure that each and every American can go to college if they want to, without being saddled with debt for the rest of their lives. We must pass police reform and other critical legislation to address systemic racism. We must address chronic issues facing our communities like homelessness, gun violence, and access to technology. And more.

“In the coming years, I look forward to working with President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris to make these priorities a reality. I hope that we act quickly to make real, lasting change.

“The last four years have tested our democracy like never before, with a President who destroyed norms, bent and broke the guardrails of our democracy, and damaged belief in the fundamental decency of our people. We must never allow this to happen again.

“That’s why I introduced the Protecting Our Democracy Act – a landmark series of reforms that will help prevent future presidential abuses, restore our system of checks and balances, strengthen accountability and transparency, and protect our elections. And we hope to pass it in the new year.

“While much of the country believes that Washington can’t get anything done because of partisan gridlock, it is incumbent on each of us in Congress to find areas where we can agree and pass meaningful legislation to help our constituents. I think we can find common ground on lowering the cost of prescription drugs, building a modern and sustainable infrastructure, investing in green energy, and getting relief to Americans suffering the health and economic effects of COVID-19. I will certainly be doing my part.

“During some of the most perilous moments in our nation’s history, we have found that crises are the crucible in which great change is possible, change that reshapes our society for the better.

“As Americans, we have never shied away from a challenge just because it is hard. So let’s begin.”
